Tuesday 14 March 2017

Praia, Santiago island - Cape Verde - (Day 4 morning) - Strolling around whilst awaiting the Carnival parade - The 28th of February 2017

I had wanted to get up slightly later than the previous days but when it comes to Africa I must confess it is hard because of the outside bustling one can't ignore, which forces one to almost want to do the same. Noëlle and I had a fairly early breakfast and soon ventured into the streets of Plateau we have strolled along so often trying to feel the atmosphere and see what sort of differences were there (if there were any at all).

The market had been enlarged to accommodate a higher number of vendors. I tried to get Noëlle to get to know some of the beans which are used in "Catchupa", also because I wanted her to try catchupa guizada (one of my favourite Cape Verdian "treats") later.

We also came across a new amusement park as we strolled up and down the Plateau streets  sitting nowhere and everywhere once we no longer had our hotel bedroom in view of the night flight back home.

The hotel entrance hall became a convenient stop point whenever we wanted some "shade" or a relaxing moment of some sort  as we moved up and down. 

Drinking local "ponche" ...


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