Thursday 13 August 2020

A Sunday afternoon stroll around the Expo area in Lisbon ...

I made it to the river Tagus walking down the back streets of Moscavide and across the railway line where a few graffitis called my attention, as well as a rather "creative" gardening project on a piece of abandoned terrain.

The modern city coastline almost blended into the old neighbouring quarters at the distance of just a few seconds and a mere hundred steps seemed to create the impression that one was not in the same city or that one had just crossed a frontier of some sort ... 


The reduced number of people walking about, together with the blue colours of the river and the sky gave me a sense of "being alive"... and once I came upon the Iberian linx sculpture that feeling increased even further ... they are being protected against extinction ... and so are ...


Tuesday 4 August 2020

On Browse - The world in bookshops ...

I accidently came across this compilation of fifteen around the world award winning authors' articles on bookshops that presumably had shaped them and soon after reading its synopsis decided to buy it. Not only had I never heard of its well known editor, I must humbly admit, but also many of the authors who wrote the inquisitive and rather enchanting pieces (some of which had a tremendous impact on me).

One particular piece reminded me of Luanda in Angola and its marketplace with two distinct book reading tents, one for those who bought reading by time (the fast readers) and the other one by page but several others took me back to various events which happened in my own childhood and adolescence.  

I can't help but write down some extracts that  mean a lot to the many who have fallen and those  who still fall under books' spell.
"(...) a book is more than a verbal strucuture or series of verbal structures; it is the dialogue that it establishes with its reader and the intonation it imposes upon his voice and the changing and durable images it leaves in his memory." - Jorge Luis Borges
"Books speak even when they are closed. Lucky the man who can hear thier persistent murmur."  - Stefano Benni