Wednesday 12 June 2019

New Zealand circuit - Christchurch - Earthquake Centre; the Cathedral squareDay 19 - The 18th of March 2019 (afternoon and evening)

Because of the proximity and based on the fact that we had time to spare and therefore could get a much more precise idea of the impact the former earthquaques had had on the lives of those who inhabitted Christchurch, we walked into the Quake Centre. I must confess I am not one to revisit disasters but was particularly impressed by some of the survivors' accounts, more than the statistical numbers and technicalities provided throughout the exhibit.

"Here is the lament of the people
Those who have shed many tears
Those overcome with grief
Those of wounded heart
Alas the agony of loss!

What is the remedy
To abate the pain of my heart?
To trust in the knowledge
There is a brighter day tomorrow.

So how can we reach promised shores
And reach the heights of our aspirations?
Not through division
But through uniting
Weaving and unequalled cloak to shelter all
Through unity our wakw shall reach the shores of our ambition.

So to you all, the people of greater Christchurch
Let us launch the waka of our recovery forward
Each paddle moving us closer to reawakening
And so to you, neighbour
Our journey begins!"  

Once we finished the visit we headed towards the Cathedral square having passed by a rather meaningful artistic ground tiled-like design named "Togetherness", which is connected to the weaving pattern of "one over one, one under one" signifying strengthening.There were quite a few other Art pieces around the precinct of the Cathedral ruins, which is cordoned off and has been since the 2011's quake.


It was not only getting windy but also late, so we headed to a food-court close by and had a turkish meal before heading back to the hotel. On the way I noticed yet another statue by Gormley, this one standing in the Avon river bed. 

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