Friday 6 September 2019

Isfahan, Iran - Day 7 (evening cont.) - The visit to the Golestan-e-Shohada war cemetery - The 22nd of August 2019


To walk into the Golestan-e-Shoada war cemetery was a differnt thing because one's mind wandered about the numerous people who died in a senseless longIrn-Irak war. To stroll around the haunting faces of those who perished was touching and yet the presence of their families sitting on the ground eating and keeping them company or being accompanied by their memories was even more touching.
I felt the pain and sorrow of so many valuable lives lost and wondered if anything will ever change and to which extent people learn or don't learn from past decisions and mistakes that may lead to similar rows of tombs, whose faces look you in the eye.

This was our last evening visit and yet a rather meaningful one.


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