I have just participated in another two day English Language development experience, which I feel was as challenging for me as it must have been for the four participants who have attended it.
For reasons some may not be aware of, having to transcribe unexpected Aviation oriented messages, which focus on situations flight information officers are not usually accustomed to irrespective of their English knowledge, isn't easy but we have managed to accomplish that task, though not effortlessly, which is what the greatest challenge was about.
I would risk saying that there were times in which we even enjoyed doing it, in what ended up being a satisfying learning "adventure".

Students come and go ... many may return on a fairly regular basis and yet some may not be back to the Training Centre for a while. I don't know which group these students are included in but I must say they "made" my week and I will undoubtedly remember the challenging and tiring two-day course for a long time.
Sérgio, Sheila, José and Nuno (from left to right).
Students come and go ... many may return on a fairly regular basis and yet some may not be back to the Training Centre for a while. I don't know which group these students are included in but I must say they "made" my week and I will undoubtedly remember the challenging and tiring two-day course for a long time.
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