Sunday 3 June 2012

Figueira da Foz revisited (the 12th of May 2012)

... There isn't much left of my childhood memories as far as the architecture of Figueira da Foz is concerned, but my brother and I still insist on "locating" what may be the "non-existent" remains of what was so important for us then ... the geography of the city, that has inevitably been changed over the years.

The little fishing port has been turned into a recreation boat marina, of which only the surrounding buildings of the old square seem to still be recognisable.

The little beaches of Buarcos which middle and high class families would not consider going to in the sixties and seventies because of being filled with rather "undesirable" people from the neighbouring  villages at that epoch collecting cockels and shells are the ones everyone goes out to now ...

We still managed to find some of that "collecting" activity going on ...

The same way we managed to find "pirolitos" the sticky sugar melted sweets we used to take with us to the movies before popcorn "invaded" the cinema rooms.

Yet the most important aspect of this short "re-visiting" scenario was  realising that some of the people who made our past a meaningful one were still there and whether it may or not be important to pass these memories to one's children ... Mia was there to share these moments with us.

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