The afternoon arts and crafts workshop was attended by a total of 12 girls belonging to two different age groups - eight girls (7 to 9 years old) and 4 girls (13 to 14 years of age). Both groups had already participated in previous workshops, the younger ones having been at two multi-disciplinary workshops in April 2009 and February 2010 and the older ones at the photography workshop in February this year (whose best photos shall be exhibited next Saturday).
The materials used throughout this workshop varied, from felt brushes to beads, depending on what sort of art works they were doing. They made felt brush paintings of different degrees of difficulty, acrylic coloured key holders, bracelets, rings, hairpins, sand coloured mandalas and several other little things.
Many of these "works of Art" were demanding in terms of precision and patience, but these "artists" surprised us all, (the Director of the Ministery of Education who happened to have visited on on Thursday included), with the quality of the brush strokes, the choice of acrylic colours, the preciseness of the sand lines and above all the creativity level.
Anícia (Left); Cesaltina and Zézinha (Right)
Some of the finished works
In the few intervals they had, whilst the paint or glue was drying, they "competed" amongst themselves (in groups of four) making some puzzles.
It was an enormous pleasure to have been given the chance of working with this group once more and not even the strong and heavy rain that fell down all week, (which made Sibylle and I have to collect buckets of rain water that fell into the Library we were using as a working place everyday) interfered in the course of things ...
This is what committment is about ...
We never joy enjoy to that full point; the pictures in the blog sometimes come into sight in your blog, and others times turn up unexpectedly. The involvement, the wrapping up, you obtain in your adventures, that is fabulous, increddible and feigned with your imagination, and I understand it, as if 'that is what the committment is about'. We could say « yet joy was joy when it enjoyed was». A tenderness for you, I must say. I like what you call committment, and I would call simply joy.