The reason for having gone to Paris was the ICAEA International Aviation English Forum on Cross-Cultural Awareness and Aviation English Training held at the French DGAC and although this blog is not intended for work-related purposes I can't help mentioning how important it is to gather around a table and discuss common Aviation issues with colleagues from different Organizations and a number of equally different countries.
As I collected my badge and looked at the list of participants I rejoiced at the fact of having identified a number of colleagues and friends I had had the pleasure of meeting over the years, to be more precise since having attended the second Aviation English Teaching Forum held in Paris in 1985.
I have known some since the first meeting, whilst others are more recent acquaintances, but irrespective of the degree of "intimacy" it is interesting to acknowledge the important role some of them have played (and still play) in both my professional and personal life.
The photos which follow correspond to some of the high moments of the forum (in no particular order).
It has been a break from routine as well as an increased awareness that there are issues we shall have to continually address in the name of safety.
On a rather personal level it has been a pleasure to acknowledge that some of us, despite being "older" are still quite active and will certainly continue to ...