" Despite being slightly late (our African "roots" must have played its own role on this) we would like to say a few words related to our trip to Santiago.
It was a unique experience and we would like to believe it to be the first of many others to come. We consider it was a touching privilege to have travelled with such a group.
You are a rather unique woman in your way of being and standing up despite all the ups and downs in your life and in as much as keeping courageous and energetically pursuing your way whilst overcoming every obstacle that comes your way without "disarming yourself", as if each of those could simply be challenges .
You are a citizen of the world, wherever your non-egoistic support and help is needed. Throughout this journey we observed and witnessed the tender, affectionate and respectful attitudes the children had in regards to you every time they "saw" you, as if you could be a sun ray in their lives.
You are an effective story teller, colouring reality with its strokes of paint, which had us hooked and mesmerised whilst listening to you.
A huge thank you from
Wanda and Rui Neves"