None of the workshops in Cape Verde would have had any importance, had it not been for the children who participated in them. Many of these children had never had photos taken, except for school identification purposes and so I would like to show them my gratitude by having their group photos published, as I believe some of them will play an important role in their communities one day.
Calheta de São Miguel, Santiago island
"Cape Verde in the perspective of the children of Calheta" workshop - April 2009 and "Arts and crafts" workshop - February 2010
Second row (left to right) - Gerson, Ismael, Kevin, Patrick, Pedrilson, Veinilson.
First row (left to right) - Patrick, Keven, Neuza, Marline, Leinira, Simone, Juliza, Ana, Josseanne and Lavínia

"Free time occupational workshop" during August 2009- Sal island
Standing (left to right) - Zé Carlos, Deivi, Leonardo, Perry, Samuel, Thiery and Airton.
Sitting (left to right) - Hélio, Clóvis, Bruno, Daiana, Djayde, Camila, Mana and Loridania
Some very young village children, who followed Hélio (standing up) and ended up participating in the "free time occupational workshop" during 3 days
"Painting and decoration of masks" workshop - February 2010
Jilson, Nessa, Keven Patrick, Renildo, Bruno Miguel, Nilson, Júnior, Denilson Keven,Edgar, Aldino, Valdir Nataniel, Elisiana, Larissa, José Domingos surrounded by the Bd sport active director (Beat Clerc) and a local teacher (Bernardino)
" Reporters" workshop - February 2010
Second row (left to right) - Cesaltina, Ludmila and Zezito
Front row (left to right) - Zézinha, Anícia, Carina and André
Bd sport active group who participated in the "Development of the Portuguese Language reading and writing skills" workshop - March 2010 (without the masks, once these children also participated in the masks workshop)
Because not all were present when the group photos were taken, I am including photos of those children taken during the various workshops.
Márcio, Valter, Keven, Beto ("Arts and Crafts" workshop)
Ivanilda and Justina ("Arts and Crafts" workshop)
Tarine and Verónica ("Arts and Crafts" workshop)
Eduardo, Pedrilson and Andelson ("Arts and Crafts" workshop)
Carlos, Larissa, Diogo and a young man whose name I don't recall as he only participated one full day in the free time occupational workshop in Sal
Leandro and Yanick who participated in the free time occupational workshop in Sal
Ismael, whose face cannot be seen in any of the group photos but who participated in both the " Cape Verde under the perspective of the children of Calheta" and the "Arts and Crafts" workshops in Calheta de São Miguel.
Bd sport active girls