Tuesday 15 December 2015

The Myanmar discovery circuit - Day 8 (morning) - On the way to Pindaya - The 19th of November 2015

We stopped a few times on the way to Pindaya to take photos of the rural area with cultivated fields that extended beyond what our eyes could actually see but also to take a closer look at some of the villagers on bufallos or oxen carts.  Myanmar still remains a predominantly agrarian nation, with agriculture employing two-thirds of the country's population and that was something we hadn't yet been aware of nor exposed to, so focused we had been on stupas and Buddhist temples.


Somewhere along the road and already fairly close to Pindaya we came across a group of villagers on oxen carts, some of them as young as teenagers, who were all in a row. We stopped to take their photo and soon after were asked by a Burmese travelling family to take a photo with them, in which Valerie and I were the "targetted" foreigners.

(To be continued)

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